Winkler Drug Rehab

Our drug addiction referral counsellors have worked for many years with drug addicts and alcoholics and their families. They are connected to hundreds of drug rehabs and the various approaches to drug addiction treatments available in Manitoba.


Addiction Services

For immediate assistance in locating an alcohol or drug rehab center. 

Call now to speak with one of our experienced addiction counsellors. 


Winkler Drug Addiction Centers

Winkler’s drug problem is just as devastating to family members there as any other city in Manitoba. Even more of a problem with drug abuse is with the government-funded drug rehabs; the growing demand for funded drug rehab services is such that they show difficulty meeting the demand. In many cases, there is an 8 to 12-week waiting list just to be admitted.

This situation adds to the families already stressful issue. We decided to do something about it; this website was established to bring some help to family members who need a drug rehab center. If you can’t wait for a bed in a government-funded rehab, the only other option is to search the internet for some drug addiction treatment program, but with hundreds of thousands of drug rehabs to choose from, this can be a difficult task. Our drug and alcohol treatment specialists are there to help you find the right options for your immediate needs.

Detox and Rehab Centers for Drug and Alcohol Addiction in Winkler

Detox and Rehab Centers for Drug and Alcohol Addiction in Winkler

If you or someone you know is struggling with drug addiction, contact our drug and alcohol rehab placement specialist now.

Drug Rehab Centers for Winkler

Our drug addiction referral counsellors have worked in drug addiction and alcohol abuse for many years and with thousands of drug addicts from all walks of life. Over the years, they have also established good relations with hundreds of drug rehab centers in Manitoba and Canada. A drug addict is not like every other drug addict; each has their own personal situations and issues related to their drug addiction and require the right drug addiction treatment that suits their needs and personal issues.

Over a dozen different drug addiction treatments are available to address substance abuse, and each drug rehab center has its drug treatment method set up in their program.

When you call our addiction referral counsellor, they will do a preliminary drug screening interview and a case assessment. This will give them the needed information to locate the best possible drug rehab center and addiction treatment that suits your situation. We believe drug addiction can be overcome; thousands of recovered drug addicts and alcoholics can attest to this, so can you. It starts with the right drug rehab center.

Call today and find out which is best for your situation, were here to help, and a drug addiction referral counsellor is standing by to receive your call.

Find a detox or rehab center for your drug or alcohol abuse that will suit your needs; call us for immediate assistance
