Manitoba Addiction Services

When a loved one struggling with drug addiction reaches out for help, it should be given as fast as possible. When you contact Addiction Foundation for Manitoba, you find out that all the funded drug rehab centers are in most cases full and have a 6 to 8-weeks waiting list. When you or someone you know is addicted to drugs and wants help, this is not the time to be put on hold. Drug Rehab Institute is set up so that you can get immediate assistance to find proper addiction services in Manitoba.

Our drug rehab placement specialists have worked with drug addicts and alcoholics for many years. They have close contact with hundreds of drug rehab centers and drug addiction treatment facilities across Canada. When you search for drug addiction services on the internet, you will normally get hundreds of thousands of results, with each one stating they have the best addiction treatment program. Choosing the right drug rehab center may not be that simple. Our addiction counsellors know the various type of addiction treatments delivered and can find the best drug rehab center suited to your needs.

Each drug addict or alcoholic will have his or her specific underlying issues related to their drug or alcohol abuse, but not all drug rehab center will address every aspect of their addiction. We know how much pain drug addiction can cause family and friends of the addict. Maybe this person had tried a couple of drug rehab treatment before and did not get the expected results. Well, it may be due to not being on the right drug rehab treatment program for them.

Drug addiction can be beaten; thousand of addicts can demonstrate they have overcome their addiction. You can too. But it starts with the right drug rehab center and addiction treatment program. Find out which drug rehab is best suited to your situation; call one of our addiction counsellors today. They are standing by to take your call.


Addiction Services

For immediate assistance in locating an alcohol or drug rehab center. 

Call now to speak with one of our experienced addiction counsellors. 


Drug Rehab Center in Manitoba

If you live in Manitoba and suffer from addiction, remember that there is help out there. The drug rehab center in Manitoba offers intensive drug rehabilitation programs that assist you throughout the entire recovery process. Before enrolling in a drug rehab center, you might have to undergo detox; that is the first step in the right direction. It usually lasts a couple of days and will help one suffering from addiction to go through physical withdrawal. Some drug rehab centers will make it mandatory for you to go to detox before admission.

Addiction Recovery Starts with Detox

Not only are drugs mentally addictive, but they are also physically addictive. To cope with the often debilitating physical withdrawal symptoms of drug addiction, it can help enter a detox center in Manitoba.

Trying to quit drugs, cold turkey is very unpleasant and painful. Withdrawal symptoms vary from drug to drug, but common symptoms include shakes, chills, aches, depression, insomnia, fatigue, and nausea. The severity of the symptoms corresponds to the severity of the drug use. With some substances, it is necessary to taper usage slowly to avoid putting your life at risk. Contact your doctor or an addiction counsellor if you want to stop taking drugs safely. He or she will recommend proper addiction services.

The time it takes to detox from drugs varies, but normally, it takes between 3 days and 10 days. In any drug rehab center in Manitoba, the detoxification process for hard drugs like opiates, barbiturates, prescription drugs, painkillers or heavy alcohol abuse is managed with medications designed to ease withdrawal symptoms. Detoxification that is managed with medication is known as medically managed withdrawal or medical detox. Medically managed withdrawal is not necessary for drugs like cocaine, marijuana, and methamphetamines.

Detoxification is generally considered the first stage of treatment before enrolling in a drug rehab center in Manitoba because it manages drug addiction’s acute physiological symptoms. The body must clear itself of drugs before the addict’s other needs can be addressed. However, detoxification alone is not sufficient. Psychological, social, and behavioural problems also need to be treated for rehabilitation to succeed.

Keys to Successful Detoxification

The key to a successful detoxification is preparation. First, addiction counsellors must provide therapy to bring the addict to a point where he realizes that he needs to change his behaviour. After that, counsellors must provide the addict with accurate information about what to expect during the detoxification process.
A drug user ought to take the following steps to prepare for detox:

1. Acknowledge the problem and realize that treatment is necessary
2. Get rid of all drugs and paraphernalia
3. Stop hanging out with friends who use drugs
4. Get support from people in your life who want to see you succeed
5. Consult a professional to plan a safe detoxification

If you undergo medically managed withdrawal, make sure that the medications are handled sensitively. The last thing you’d want is for your drug addiction to be replaced with another addiction.

For optimal results, prepare for the detoxification process to the best of your abilities. The more you prepare, the less difficult it will be for you to cope with the slew of symptoms that accompany detoxification. Just remember that detoxification alone is not sufficient for preventing relapse. Nevertheless, it is essential to effectively prepare you for rehabilitation and treatment in Manitoba’s drug rehab center.