LSD Detox and Rehab Treatment
What is LSD
LSD is a hallucinogenic (psychedelic) the most powerful. It is a psychotropic drug that is a hundred times more powerful than magic mushrooms and 4,000 times more potent than mescaline. Like other hallucinogens, it produces a break in the interaction between neurons and neurotransmitters. This is one of the chemicals that alter the mood more, thought and sense of the person, even if taken in small doses.
LSD is manufactured from lysergic acid, derived from ergot, a fungus that grows on rye and other grains. It is produced as crystals in clandestine laboratories where they are transformed into a liquid that is odourless, colourless and has a slightly bitter taste. LSD is sold on the street in tablets, capsules, micro tip (like a piece of a pencil lead), small gelatin sheets, liquid, mixed with sugar, and paid on blotting paper, cut into small squares appear where designs or cartoon characters. It is usually consumed orally but can also be smoked (mixed with tobacco), inhaled or injected. LSD is often called “acid” but it also has other familiar names such as, inter alia, “blotter”, “stamps”, “flash”, “illusion”, “microdot”, “Sunshine,” “Superman” “tablets”, “windows panes,” “Zen” and many others.
LSD Effects
The effects of LSD vary depending on many factors such as past experiences, mood, the personality of the consumer, environment at the time of consumption, and the power of the dose. If one thing is certain, it’s that whoever consumes it loses contact with reality. The effects of the “trip” of LSD, whether pleasant or not, occur in about 30 minutes and do not stop for a period of 6 to 12 hours and sometimes more. Malaise can persist for several days. Taking this drug, you never know what you will feel. It may be a feeling of euphoria and hallucinations with uncontrollable laughter or a declared state of paranoia where you can not distinguish sensations created by the drug of those that are real. There are also “bad trips,” where experience effects similar to hell.
Here are some more effects that can arise from the usage of LSD:
- Hallucinations
- The distortion of the sense of time and identity
- The perception of distorted distances
- Changing the notion of time
- Visual disturbances, auditory and tactile perceptions distorting the size and shape of objects, movements, colours, sounds, touch and his own body
- Ideas and impressions painful and terrifying
- Radical mood disturbances
- Fear of losing self-control, fear of going crazy or dying
- The panic attacks and phobias
- Deep despair, suicidal bouts
LSD Side Effects
- Dilated pupils
- Body temperature, blood pressure and heart rate to change (higher or lower)
- Muscle weakness
- Leg cramps
- A feeling of coldness and numbness in the hands
- Hyperventilation
- Hyperglycemia
- Nausea, vomiting
- Loss of appetite
- Insomnia
- Sweating or chills
- Dry mouth
- Tremors
- Dizziness
- Memory loss and mental retardation
- A relatively long psychosis such as schizophrenia or severe depression
LSD use becomes even more dangerous when mixed with a depressant such as alcohol, heroin, tranquillizers or other drugs.