Alcohol and Drug Rehab Options

Alcohol and Drug Rehab Options
When it is time to choose a drug rehab treatment program for yourself or someone you care about, there are various options to consider. First, there are dozens of types of approaches to treating drug addiction and alcohol abuse. Some programs will only deal with alcohol, and others will be out-patient only, etc. The following is only a brief outline of some of the options you can choose from. To find out which addiction treatment program would suit you best, it’s highly recommended you consult with a drug rehab placement specialist who can answer all your questions on the subject of drug and alcohol abuse.
One option is the government-funded drug rehabs that offer services that range from walk-in clinics to residential treatment and can be 12-step based or not. These programs are normally the first avenue that drug addicts and alcoholics will seek out, and as expected, they also normally have a waiting list.
Other options are short term private residential addiction treatment programs. These will rarely be under 30 days; most will offer 30-45-60 or 90 days program. These programs have a wide variety of approaches to treating drug addiction, and it is best to talk with a drug addiction placement specialist for more details.
Long term private residential drug rehab centers are another option and are often recommended for those struggling with long-time drug addiction or alcohol abuse. In some cases, it can take up to six months to overcome one’s past behaviour patterns. Some private drug rehab centers will also have on-site, permanent medical staff and other professionals to aid in your recovery.
A person’s drug addiction or alcohol abuse can be so severe that a medical Detox will be their only option before entering a drug rehab program. It is due to the severity of the case and the effects of coming off certain drugs and alcohol. It can require daily medical exams and constant surveillance by a certified physician.
Another option is when the drug addict or alcoholic is in denial or self-destructive mode to use a professional substance abuse interventionist’s service. These are qualified addiction counsellors who know how to get a person to realize they need to stop this behaviour and get help. Intervention is done in collaboration with a drug rehab center, ready to admit the person right away.
In every option, the method used to treat the drug addict or alcoholic can vary. It would be beneficial to consult a professional drug rehab placement specialists to know what addiction program is best suited for you or your loved one.